CHED-NAFES Monitoring and Evaluation of CAFS

On October 12, 2023, a CHED-NAFES Monitoring and Evaluation of CAFS as a National University College of Agriculture (NUCA) was conducted by a CHED team of experts composed of Prof. Encarnacion Emilia S. Yap (Dean, College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences at UP Visayas), Engr. Sherwin Reveriza (CHED Central Office), Ms. Maria Katrina Cosico (CHED Central Office), and Dr. Catherine O. Iglesias (CHEDRO VIII). Dr. Beatriz S. Belonias, VP for Academic Affairs as well as the department heads under CAFS attended the activity.

The monitoring and evaluation focused on the impact of the one million pesos CHED-NAFES grant that CAFS received in 2021 for the purchase of equipment (LCDs, analytical balances, pH meters, etc.) for instruction and research purposes.

(NAFES- National Agriculture & Fisheries Education System)

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